Friday, July 19, 2013

A Well-meaning Bunch of Advice on In-depth Living – and Its Spoof !

Someone wrote a collection of well-meaning instructions to guide us on leading a meaningful life.  This has been published under the heading ‘Desiderata’ and publicized over the last fifty years or so.  The reader is probably familiar with it as it shows up in quite a few bookshops.  As one would quickly notice, the items mentioned in that presentation reflect a bunch of carefully chosen advice paying attention to which one can meet life with some maturity.  By clicking the link below, the reader can enjoy going through Desiderata.  One of the reassuring items there says, “Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.”

Someone who chanced to read ‘Desiderata’ came up with a hilarious spoof on it.  He called it ‘Deteriorata’.  It does make us laugh but, strangely enough, some items there too seem to hit the nail on the head with regard to leading a good life.  Ironically, the punch line of Deteriorata clicks with what J. krishnamurti says in the small booklet entitled ‘Conversations’!  You can enjoy Deteriorata by visiting the link below.



While Desiderata makes us look carefully into some essential items for good living, Deteriorata moves us towards a laid-back attitude imbued with nonchalance.  Perhaps, applying ourselves to the two together we may head straight to Liberation!  In any case, someone who has gone through a near death experience would surely appreciate both of those presentations, maybe with an additional clap for Deteriorata!         

Related matters are covered in the website:

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