Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Intrinsic Impropriety Behind Opinion Mongering – Are We Aware of This?

Many quarrels arise on account of insisting on one’s opinion being accepted or on demanding the approval thereof.  It cannot be solved by controlling oneself but only by understanding the whole gamut of its genesis and expression.

It is common experience that most of us, if not all, treat our own opinion as the final judgment on an issue and be ready to take up the cudgels if it is opposed. Many relationships are damaged by this neurological habit and have even engendered fist-fights between individuals when carried too far. There was an occasion, way back in the sixties, when one of the writer's friends was sitting in an evening club in Chennai (India), playing carom-board. Others were engaged in card games, chess etc. Two people were conversing about cricket, analyzing the England team in particular. One of them was in favor of Colin Cowdrey and the other opined that Ken Barrington was the better batsman of the two.  At the beginning, the debate was innocent enough but soon it gathered momentum along the wrong lines. It became hot and they began to exchange blows!  The onlookers had to abandon their games and rush to separate the two opinion mongers. One of the Good Samaritans passionately asked, "While Barrington and Cowdrey themselves are friends, why are you doing this?"!

Now, we all sense similar trends in our opinion mongering but, perhaps, are wise enough to veer away from the hot avenues at some point. If we look into the matter in order to get to the bottom of this black business, we begin to wonder how this monster of a habit arises and keeps us under its thumb. Self-awareness sets in and the exploration into ourselves begins to tell us the whole story behind the neurological process underlying opinion mongering. The thought-running habit is primarily responsible for sustaining the 'I', the image about oneself. From our young days, we groom this habit and the 'I' gets tougher and tougher as the years pass by. The 'I' is built around one's conclusions which give a sort of identification to it. This includes the emotional attachment to those conclusions too. By the time we reach 25 or so years of age, this 'I' strongly influences our neurology and the monster becomes uncontrollable. Because we are interested in understanding this process, the awareness takes us to the bottom of this issue and the monster begins to shake in its foundation! As it is no longer supported by the unawareness that gives it its life, the monster has no alternative but to dissolve. Watching it dissolve can be fun.

What is purported above can be considered a matter of oversimplification. Yes, it is true that the matter is not so easy. Nevertheless, with patience and sustained interest in that direction, the hard ice begins to melt. When we see this happening, we sense the power of self-awareness and how it can dissolve centuries-old neurological habits.

The deeper the self-awareness flows into us, the more peaceful we begin to feel; the calmer we are in our interactions and opinion mongering no longer figures in them. For purely practical purposes, however, exchanging opinions has a rightful place but it will not involve the ego, especially if we are alert about how the monster can take charge and vitiate the harmony. We would no longer indulge in converting others to our view points, religious or otherwise. All these transformations pave the way to living a naturally spiritual life; we would be deeply passive inside but be very active in our practical life.

By the way, we are reminded here of the Shakespearean lines:  "Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice; Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment." Though this advice can be considered to belong to the realm of Dos and Don’ts, understanding the essence of those words is what brings about the transformation and not the conformity to a bunch of instructions.

Related matters are covered in the website http://spirituality.yolasite.com 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mental Serenity through Athma Vichara – The Soul Search

Life on this planet is fraught with many difficulties.  Amidst all that turbulence, bringing about mental serenity is not easy.  People take recourse to religious and meditative approaches to overcome the difficulties and find peace. These things can surely help but cannot go very far.

The reason why religious practices can help only to a limited extent is that, even though the person is well meaning, his ego takes over at some point to use the religion to the ego's own end and so the causes for mental disturbance are sustained.  That is how a person gets very disturbed, even after many years of practicing the religion, when his or her religion is criticized.  If the ego is not involved, there can be no disturbance.  As long as the ego is in charge, there can be no stability to the mental serenity brought about by the practices.  Self-deception in the form of chasing a shadow becomes inevitable.

So, the question is: Can anything help at all towards bringing about inner serenity without overtly or covertly feeding the ego in the process?  This is an interesting challenge for those who understand the limitations of conventional  religious and meditative practices.  So, they move into an investigative process that can be called Athma Vichara or Soul Search.  Such an approach begins an inward journey of understanding how the mind brings about its own trap – the prison it builds around itself that keeps the ego intact.  Obviously, understanding the prison is necessary before a movement towards freedom can take place.  

 As of now, only a small percentage of human beings recognizes this matter of inner evolution as a precursor to stable mental peace.  Even though of a small minority, those human beings are already aiding the process of planetary transformation towards collective harmony and wholesome life on this planet.  If you feel drawn to this matter, you will also be able, in your own unique way, to bring about mental serenity for you and your family.  In the process, you will augment the planetary transformation.  You may contact me at gopal.tc@gmail.com for mutual discussions.  Please visit the site http://spirituality.yolasite.com for additional information.

The Winding Path

The Winding Path
Into the Unknown