Friday, October 12, 2012

Synergism of Mental Energies – A Movement towards Holistic Living

When the energy elements are in helter-skelter form, they lack the synergistic effect. It is a pity because so much more can be achieved with synergism; sad that our noisy mental state, lacking polarization, fritters away the much needed energy.
Let us consider an iron piece before and after magnetization.  In the non-magnet, the internal elements (which are tiny magnets) are thrown helter-skelter with regard to their north-south polarity.  The result is that opposite poles are randomly arranged and so they cancel each other and the net magnetic effect is zero.  During magnetization, those elements are aligned by the magnetizing force such that their directions are polarized.  Here the small internal magnetized elements are aligned and at the ends of the bar there is concentration of the same polarity.  That is how the bar becomes a magnet with pronounced opposite poles at the ends.
   The analogy here is that our mental elements are also, in general, aligned in a haphazard manner.  When polarized, they function in a synergistic way and make the mind respond with some orderliness.  Waste of mental energy is avoided.  With deep interest in self-awareness, polarization takes place in our minds and, to that extent, we feel peaceful. Increased mental orderliness ushers in confidence.  Such unhealthy habits as smoking, drinking etc do not bother those in whom there is polarization.  Addictions cannot enslave such a mind. One keeps clear of the negative things without any effort. 
    The un-polarized mind hits physical health too. Correspondingly, when the mind is polarized, bodily illness becomes rare.  This is one area where effects are seen fairly early in one’s application.    
    Mental polarization is followed by convergence of the energies towards the Inner Being.  This situation augments the mental silence.  The state of mind becomes conducive to discovering what lies beyond the apparent. Vibrancy resulting from the convergence adds a spiritual quality to our daily lives. 

The Winding Path

The Winding Path
Into the Unknown